Medals Price List
Please find below my price list for medal mounting and refurbishment. If you are unsure about what you have or what you may need, please get in touch.
Please note that official and commemorative medals cannot be group mounted together on a single bar
Medal Strip/Ribbon bar sewn on to uniform
MOD state that ribbon bar can be a maximum of four ribbon width, More than four must be racked/stacked.
One ribbon £7
two ribbons £11
Three ribbons £15
Four Ribbons £19
Five Ribbons £23
Six Ribbons £27
Seven Ribbons £31
Eight Ribbons £35
Nine Ribbons £39
Ten Ribbons £43
£3 for attaching to uniform (included in above pricings)
Each additional ribbon is £4

Medal Strip/Ribbon Bar on pin
These are mount on a pin rather than sewn on to uniform
one ribbon £12
two ribbons £17
three ribbons £22
Four ribbons £27
five ribbons £39 (a one and a four)
six ribbons £44 (a two and a four)
Seven ribbons £49 (a three and a four)
Eight ribbons £54 (two fours)
nine ribbons £66 (a one and two fours)
ten ribbons £71 (a two and two fours)
more than ten are £4 per ribbon plus cost of bars

Miniature swing mount medals (loose and floppy)
MINIATURE - More than twelve miniature medals medals must be overlapped (extra £9 per medal plus cost of the mounting bar)
ONE £17
TWO £26
FOUR £45
FIVE £55
SIX £64
NINE £93
TEN £102

Full size swing mount medals (loose and floppy)
FULL SIZE - More than six full-sized medals must be overlapped. (£10 per medal plus cost of the mounting bar)
ONE £18
TWO £29
FOUR £51
FIVE £62
SIX £73
NINE £103
TEN £113

Court Mount Medals (Stiff and on a board)
MINIATURE - More than twelve miniature medals medals must be overlapped (£10 per medal plus the cost of the mounting bar)
ONE £18
TWO £28
FOUR £49
FIVE £60
SIX £70
NINE £102
TEN £112

Court Mount Medals (Stiff and on a board)
FULL SIZE - More than six full size medals medals must be overlapped (£11 per medal plus the cost of the mounting bar)
ONE £19
TWO £31
FOUR £55
FIVE £67
SIX £79
EIGHT £101
NINE £112
TEN £123

Display mount (for easy fit into a frame)
process same as court mount but without bar

Other items
Mounting using own or old ribbons £6 per medal including cleaning of medal
Cleaning of medal only £4 per medal.
6 inches of ribbon for 'you it yourself' swing mounting £7
12 inches of ribbon for 'do it yourself' court mount £14
Miniature plastic medal holder (to fit into jacket pocket) £16
Full size plastic medal holder (to fit into jacket pocket) £20
Thread loops fitted onto jacket/tunic (to hang the medal bar on without piercing the jacket) £1 per loop [minimum of two loops]
Make fabric wallet for medals £13
Metal belt/sword loop £10 plus £8 for fitting into tunic/jacket (each)
Affix blazer badge £10
Purchase blazer badge and affix £30
Fitting of braid to sleeves of uniform £22 (plus cost of braid)

Please do get in touch so we can discuss your medal requirements

Medals can be sent by post. I recommend that you use Royal Mail Special Delivery to get them to me and I will return them the same way at a cost of £11.